Givens-Lowe Memorial Music Scholarship

This financial need-based scholarship is available to full time undergraduate students at the sophomore level or higher. The maximum benefit to any one student is three (3) years/six (6) academic semesters. It is renewable as long as the qualifications in making the initial award are then currently met.

An overall minimum 3.0 CGPA is required to apply and the student must be enrolled in at least 3 (three) academic credit hours of music courses at Salisbury University and each semester thereafter. Organ, piano, and voice students will be given first preference. All applicants must demonstrate musical accomplishment and meet any performance standards adopted by the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance.

A written recommendation from a music faculty member will be submitted attesting to the musical abilities and talent of the applying student. If the applicant is a transfer student, a recommendation by a music faculty member from the most recent school may be deemed acceptable.

The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage musical study for majors/minors or to significantly enrich the musical study of students of any academic major/minor where the student exhibits exceptional musical talent and skill. Professional and avocational pursuits in music are deemed equally important contributions to a creative society.

Since this scholarship requires FAFSA and financial need, final consideration of applications submitted will be to students who demonstrate financial need from the FAFSA once we have the data loaded in the scholarship site in late January. You may be removed from consideration if you do not have financial need as determined by the FAFSA.

Area of Interest
Fulton - Music
Supplemental Questions
  1. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage musical study for majors/minors or to significantly enrich the musical study of students of any academic major/minor where the student exhibits exceptional musical talent and skill. Professional and avocational pursuits in music are deemed equally important contributions to a creative society. Do you meet this criteria?
  2. Givens-Lowe Memorial Music Scholarship Letter of Recommendation Request