William P. Burke Jr. Scholarship

This scholarship fund has been established in tribute to Mr. William P. Burke Jr. Its aim is to empower emerging entrepreneurs among current undergraduate students in their start-up pursuits. To be eligible, students must meet the following criteria: current or past participation in the annual Bernstein Plan Competition or Idea Factory Poster Competition; maintaining a 2.0 CGPA or better; demonstrating a commitment to entrepreneurship; and preference will be given to students with residence in Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester, Wicomico or Sussex (DE) counties. The scholarship may be renewed for one additional year if criteria are met. To learn more about the student entrepreneurship competitions visit this site Student Entrepreneurship Competitions

Area of Interest
Perdue School of Business
Supplemental Questions
  1. Provide a short essay that demonstrates your commitment to entrepreneurship. Mention your involvement in the CEO Club, Rommel Center, entrepreneurship courses, student startup business, or other relevant activities.
  2. Please select all that apply and provide the most recent data available.
    • 1.Participated in the Bernstein Plan Competition. Answer with a Yes or No and include the semester/year you participated. You must have participated in one of these annual competitions in order to be considered for this scholarship.
    • 2.Participated in the Idea Factory Competition. Answer with a Yes or No and include the semester/year you participated. You must have participated in one of these annual competitions in order to be considered for this scholarship.
    • 3.Completed FYS INFO01 - Design Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Answer with a Yes or No and include the semester/year completed.
    • 4.Completed other entrepreneurship courses (e.g MGMT 428, INFO 333, etc). List all applicable courses..
    • 5.Enrolled in an Entrepreneurship Degree Program (Major or Minor)?
    • 6.Are you an Active CEO Club Member?
    • 7.Are you a Rommel Center Tenant?
    • 8.Are you an entrepreneurship program student worker?