Ratcliffe Entrepreneurial Excellence Scholarship

The Ratcliffe Entrepreneurial Excellence Scholarship will provide scholarships to students who have graduated from a community college receiving support from the Ratcliffe Foundation (Anne Arundel Community College, Community College of Baltimore County (including Essex campus), Harford Community College, Dabney S. Lancaster Community College or Eastern Shore Community College), be admitted to and in good standing at Salisbury University, and fulfill the following criteria: Full-time enrollment, majoring in any academic discipline and minoring in Entrepreneurship; have a transfer GPA or current GPA of 2.50 or better; students must demonstrate commitment to entrepreneurship through participation in the entrepreneurship activities directed and sponsored by the Perdue School of Business. Recipients will be encouraged to participate in the Entrepreneurship Competition and Shore Hatchery and in regional and community sponsored events such as Launch SBY. In addition, recipients must also attend a campus tour and meet with the Entrepreneurship team at the Dave and Patsy Rommel Center for Entrepreneurship in the Salisbury University Downtown building and the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Hub in Perdue Hall at SU. Applicants must also submit a letter of reference/recommendation from the Ratcliffe Foundation Director at the attending listed community college. It is expected that the student join the Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization and plan to take a leadership role in addition to being a student ambassador of entrepreneurship in the academic and business community. The scholarship can be renewed for one additional year if above criteria are satisfied. Scholarship funds may only be used for tuition, mandatory fees, room, board and books.

Ratcliffe Entrepreneurial Excellence Scholarship
up to $20,000
Area of Interest
Financial Aid - General, Perdue School of Business
Supplemental Questions
  1. Ratcliffe Entrepreneruial Excellence Scholarship Questions
    • This scholarship requires that you have a minor in Entrepreneurship. Will you have or do you have a minor in Entrepreneurship?
    • You will be expected to become a student ambassador of entrepreneurship in the academic and business community. Are you willing to make this commitment?
    • You will be expected to join the Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization and take a leadership role. Are you willing to make this commitment?
  2. Are you a transfer student with an AA degree from Anne Arundel Community College, Harford Community College, Community College of Baltimore County (including Essex), Dabney S. Lancaster Community College or Eastern Shore Community College with an Associates Degree?
  3. Please provide the name and email address for a letter of recommendation/reference from the Ratcliffe Foundation Director at your attending community college. Remember to ask your recommendation provider first for approval before you provide their name and email. You are responsible for ensuring your recommendation provider completes this request by the application deadline.